Media Prep

Telling your story visually requires the digitizing of existing audio and visual media. There are several considerations in preparing media for your Celebration of Life film presentation.

It’s not as simple as just scanning photos

Many of us have scanned photos using our multi-function printer. But are the digitized images good enough to use in your presentation? Have you considered resolution and aspect ratios? And what about those old 8mm home movies or old VHS tapes – how can they be captured if you don’t have the right equipment?

We handle these considerations for you.

What Type of Media?

Film Scanning

We specialize in scanning every individual frame of your old home movies so that the images are as crisp and clear as possible. Film does degrade over time, so we often restore and enhance the digitized movies.

Photo Scanning

Photos and negatives from the past require special care when scanning to ensure that resolutions and aspect ratios are consistent with modern high definition video.

Analog Video (VHS) Digitizing

Old VHS tapes degrade over time. You can notice that whenever you play them – if you still have a VCR. The sooner you digitized them the better.

Shooting Additional Video

You may wish to film additional sequences for your presentation. Having others share their experiences and perspectives is a great way to make your story more inclusive. You may even decide to appear in your film presenation yourself! Our experience ensures you get the highest quality of any additional footage you desire.


Additional Resources

Inevitably, you will run into the need for that one specific image to support your story – only to find that one does not exist. We help you augment your available media with additional images from different sources that support your story. Whether it’s war time combat footage or simply street scenes from a goneby era, these additional sequences can fill in those story elements for which you have no media.

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